Wednesday, January 13, 2010

. bon iver .

one lovely afternoon i was driving in the car when i heard a song on a random cd that would fill my ears for years to come. this mans voice rose and fell with such passion i couldn't resist playing the song again and again. it was,
Bon Iver

this band was formed by justin vernon in 2006. so it's still just a little puppy. after a while justin added three more members to the band so he could duplicate his recorded sound when playing to an audience. this is a little indie folk for you. seems scary. sounds awesome.

when i try and describe this band to people i often say, 'it's the music you listen to while dancing in the rain in the middle of the desert'. it just hits ya in the perfect way. its a sad, haunting, beautiful, inspiring thing. listen to it for yourself. you'll see.

bon iver is french for 'good winter'. this man's a bit of a hobo, but who cares. he sings like an angel. download some songs off his site for free.

skinny love is my favorite of his. here it is.

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:: she had a guitar, she taught him some chords ::

for my 6th birthday i got a purple camera with blue squares on it. my dad took me on a road trip across the USA and i took pictures of everything imaginable. i was hooked. time passed and i grew older and i forgot about my little obsession.
two years ago i picked up my little digital camera and realized how much i missed photography. so i got a summer job, saved up all my money, and bought a Nikon D60 SLR.
i haven't put it down since.

:: rummaging for answers ::

:: lovers ::