Tuesday, March 9, 2010

:: represent ::

i would love. love love. love. if you all did an itty bitty favor for me. i'm trying to get all the money i can to pay for college by fall. so i entered into a photography contest. if you would, it would be awesome if you hit the vote button on each of these pictures. it will up my chances of the judges viewing them. thank you thank you.

{i have quite a few new shoots for my portfolio coming up next week :: stay tuned}

1 comment:

leah marie said...

I voted. a lot. loveeee your work gina! :) xoxo.

:: she had a guitar, she taught him some chords ::

for my 6th birthday i got a purple camera with blue squares on it. my dad took me on a road trip across the USA and i took pictures of everything imaginable. i was hooked. time passed and i grew older and i forgot about my little obsession.
two years ago i picked up my little digital camera and realized how much i missed photography. so i got a summer job, saved up all my money, and bought a Nikon D60 SLR.
i haven't put it down since.

:: rummaging for answers ::

:: lovers ::