Monday, June 28, 2010

. adrian lux .

i'm pretty sure you can track my mood by my blog. 
it's not intentional.
it's a little quirky.
but thank goodness. i am out of my depressing slow song phase. songs that slowly wrench your heart. and before you know it. you're crying. 
that's rachael yamagata and iron & wine in a nutshell.

but. overnight it seems. i have changed sides.
all i can listen to are songs that make me want to run around and dance and hug everyone i see. 
we'll start out slow. but brace yourself.
it's going to get euphoric in here.

adrian lux

yes i am aware this is another electro pop post. what can i say.
i heart dubstep.

teenage crime

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:: she had a guitar, she taught him some chords ::

for my 6th birthday i got a purple camera with blue squares on it. my dad took me on a road trip across the USA and i took pictures of everything imaginable. i was hooked. time passed and i grew older and i forgot about my little obsession.
two years ago i picked up my little digital camera and realized how much i missed photography. so i got a summer job, saved up all my money, and bought a Nikon D60 SLR.
i haven't put it down since.

:: rummaging for answers ::

:: lovers ::