Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[ never let me go ]

for some reason. as of late. i have been craving books. any form of literature i can get my hands on i swallow whole. 
i've only been out of school four weeks. you think i would have lasted longer. and yet. 
in the words of my favorite {hottie} president TJ: 'i cannot live without books.'
my snister has an addiction with shoes. no matter what you look like, or how you feel, your shoes will always fit you. they're always there for comfort. when your fat jeans are too small, at least your jimmy choo's still love you. 

well. although i do love my sapatas, i can't help but feel this same way about books.
but the scariest part (showing signs of an addict here) is that i am not satisfied just checking a book out at a library. no. i have to own it. i have to be able to hold it in my hands and know it's mine. i go to barnes and noble multiple times a week to buy a new book (thank the heavens for a father who loves me and bought me a membership. discount baby.) in the kindest way possible, my mom sat me down today to start an intervention i know will continue. 
maja: 'now sweetie, do you really think you'll need all these books in college? (gesturing to the large sized home depot box filled to the brim with books) maybe you should just take a few favourites.'
me: 'mom. i cannot live without books.' (exit me...i have a feeling my argument wasn't as strong as i had hoped.)
i will stop here. you get the point. 

so the other day, whilst perusing some movie trailers, i came across a movie coming out called [ never let me go ]. a movie from a book. i had to get it. i did. i finished it. i'm in love.

{i also love how clean this book is. no swearing. nothing inappropriate. hard to find in a lot of modern books.}

it's one of those books that changes you over time. you're expecting one thing. 
maybe a dramatic climax that turns the characters you thought you knew into something completely different. or maybe a powerful love that makes your heart skip a beat. or it could be a mystery that makes you skip lines to get to the resolution. but.
you discover. it's none of those things. nothing jumps out at you. or confuses you. and in the end, you're left with a relationship with the main character that you value. and a great appreciation for life. for 'proper love'.
i love when at the end of the book, you're not left with a resolution, but a question. 
and with this book. the question you are left with, is the one you start out with. 
what makes us human? 

i'm going to stop talking now. for real. this post is a novel in and of itself. i'm sorry. i hope you just scanned through this to get the author's name. 
here it is.

[ never let me go ] by kazuo ishiguro

check out the trailer for the movie. no spoilers i promise.

{the trailer makes it look scary. it's not at all.}

1 comment:

ahlin said...

weirrrrd. i was totally just looking at the imdb page for this movie. i want to read it now.

remember when mom didnt know what jimmy choos were?
sad sad woman.

:: she had a guitar, she taught him some chords ::

for my 6th birthday i got a purple camera with blue squares on it. my dad took me on a road trip across the USA and i took pictures of everything imaginable. i was hooked. time passed and i grew older and i forgot about my little obsession.
two years ago i picked up my little digital camera and realized how much i missed photography. so i got a summer job, saved up all my money, and bought a Nikon D60 SLR.
i haven't put it down since.

:: rummaging for answers ::

:: lovers ::